Terms, Conditions & Agreements

We recommend that our clients read and understand all agreements relating to your projects. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel free to discuss these in detail when setting out the parameters for your project.

Website Design and Web Development Agreements

At Pixel Perfect Web Solutions we primarily use WordPress as the CMS for website designs.  We can and will consider and discuss other options where it is evident that an alternative platform is the most appropriate solution for the type of website that a client requires.

We approach every new website, or when updating an existing website, as a personal project for that client. As such it is not practical to offer a pricing structure as there are way too many variations to consider. Some clients will want us to design their site from the ground up whilst others may have Figma, Adobe XD or Sketch designs they require us to utilize. Whatever the format there are some factors that are consistent:

Domain Name: If not registered by the client we can register the requested name if available the cost being charged to the client.

Hosting: If not set we can arrange hosting with an appropriate hosting company agreed with the client at the client’s expense.

Where required the client agrees to provide access to the Domain register and hosting provider to enable necessary changes to DNS and/or upload of files.

Themes and Plugins: Where the website design involves the purchase of themes or pro plugins to enable functionality the client will reimburse the cost and will retain ownership of those purchased.

Text Content:  Unless agreed otherwise the client is responsible for providing all the text in a “.doc” format via email attachment or an alternative suitable option such as Dropbox.

Images: Photographs and other miscellaneous graphic images must be supplied by the client. Photographs and graphics not supplied by the client will be added cost to the contract as will any copyright fees involved.

Installation: The finally approved website will be activated on the server upon acceptance by the client.  The site will have Analytics installed and activated, unless the client declines installation, and a security plugin with the basic protections will be included.  An SEO Plugin will also have been installed and the appropriate SEO meta tags added. Pro versions can be installed at the client’s request and cost.

Pixel Perfect Web Solutions offers 3 months free maintenance of the site following activation and the client can extend this at our normal website-managed service rates.

Pixel Perfect Web Solutions also offers training in the management of a WordPress website including adding and editing articles and pages, installing and updating plugins and WordPress core updates.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

At Pixel Perfect Web Solutions we understand that every business is different and unique. That means every business has different goals, audiences, and budget.

We want to make it as easy as possible for every business to undertake the SEO campaign they need so we offer the option to personalize your SEO plan according to your goals.

SEO results do not happen overnight so for that reason we only offer a minimum 6-month contract to allow the effects of the work we do to become apparent. There is no setup fee but a monthly fee, payable in advance that will be agreed on an individual basis. In general, the work will involve:

Researching keywords and phrases to select appropriate, relevant search terms:
Adding, editing and/or optimizing text to include html tags, metadata, page titles, page descriptions and text if necessary:
Analysing and recommending improvements in website structure, navigation, code, etc. for best SEO results:
Recommending additional web pages or content for the purpose of expanding the number of keywords or phrases in search:
Providing monthly ranking reports for the client’s site showing rankings in major search engines:

To enable our SEO services, the client will need to agree to provide the following:

  • Admin access to the website for analysis of content and structure.
  • Permission to make changes for the purpose of optimization.
  • Unlimited access to existing website traffic statistics for analysis and tracking purposes.
  • Authorization to use client pictures, logos, trademarks, website images, pamphlets, or other content for search engine optimization purposes.
  • If the site is lacking in textual content, the client will be willing to provide additional text content to create improved web pages.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your requirements in detail please use our contact form to get in touch

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